On Monday, August 6, 2018, SEALS honored the 2018 Call for Papers winners at a luncheon at which each winner presented their papers. Emily Berman’s…
A mobile app for SEALS 2018 is now available. It contains the conference schedule, speakers, and other information. It also lists attendees who have allowed…
2018 Election of President Elect, Secretary, and One At-Large Trustee. Nominations close on July 6. Each of these individuals is a voting member of the…
The SEALS Hospitality Committee has outdone itself in 2018! Please check out the 2018 Hospitality Guide. It has lots of information about the Hotel, its…
The school year is winding down. If you put off planning for the summer until you could catch your breath, now is the time. Consider…
If there is sufficient interest (and talent), SEALS is considering having an old-fashioned variety show called Skit Night on Monday night, August 6. Skit Night…
Each year, SEALS hosts a Prospective Law Teachers Workshop, which provides opportunities for aspiring law teachers to network and prepare themselves for the actual teaching market. The…
Election of Treasurer: Nominations Open. The Board of Trustees is conducting a special election to fill a vacancy in the Treasurer’s position. The Treasurer is…
The online program is final and can be relied upon for travel scheduling purposes. Final Program Conference registration will open on Feb. 1.
SEALS New Scholar Participants Can Now Appear on Another Substantive or Works-In-Progress Panel The SEALS new scholar program is among the very best things we…