Each year, SEALS hosts a Prospective Law Teachers Workshop, which provides opportunities for aspiring law teachers to network and prepare themselves for the actual teaching market. The program gives them a chance to do mock interviews and mock job talks, and receive feedback on both. The Committee also schedules 1-on-1 sessions for candidates to receive faculty feedback on their CVs. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in SEALS workshops that are targeted to newer law professors, and that focus on teaching, scholarship and other aspects of the professorial career. See http://sealslawschools.org/submissions/program/programwp.asp
This year’s Prospective Law Teacher’s Workshop will be held at The Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Monday, August 6, and Tuesday, August 7, 2018. If you are interested in participating in this year’s workshop, please send your CV and a brief statement of interest to professor Brad Areheart (Tennessee) at brad.areheart@tennessee.edu, who co-chairs the committee along with professor Leah Grinvald (Suffolk). Please also indicate when you are planning to go on the teaching market. Applications are due by May 15, 2018. Many of the past workshop participants have gone on to obtain tenure-track appointments and now teach at a wide variety of law schools, including Tulane, South Carolina, UNC, Cal Western, Boston College, Georgia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Boston U., Tulsa, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Maryland, Idaho, Colorado, Miami, Richmond, Louisville, and others.